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GREAT R&B Singer - Lee Hi (16 Yr Old, South Korean)

donaldhdonaldh Pro Posts: 2

Inspired by Ken's "How to Sing R&B" webinar last Saturday, I decided to share this great example I discovered.

As Ken was discussing, unlike Aguilera or Beyonce that overdo vocal runs to the point of nausea, this young lady does what I LOVE most in music - she goes after Vocal Texture. She uses so much variety to her technique and tones to keep her lines interesting - sometimes husky, sometimes hard edged, sometimes flute-like, sometimes distorted (a la Joplin). She does do very smooth, cool runs, but she puts them were they compliment the composition (instead of interupt it). AND she's only 16!!

I also love that she sings (mostly) in Korean, which I do NOT understand - this allows me to ONLY be able to hear the music and NOT be distracted by the meaning and visuals associated with the words.

I'm including a web link to the YouTube video to her song "1,2,3,4" , but if you really want to appreciate how complex and rich what she is doing, I recommend putting headphones on and shutting off your eyes (the video diminishes your attention to sound)

P.S. If you like Pop, there are a TON of really good artists over there - just search YouTube for "KPop" (e.g. 4Minute, Girl's Generation, f(x)   )


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