1,200 miles with KTVA! Thanks Ken!!

Hey Ken, I just did a long 20hr solo drive from Naples, FL to NW, IN. My sole driving companion was KTVA vol2 exercises (4x's) and listening to the 15 webinars. . . . well, that, a few coffees and some 5hr energy drinks! I've been in the program since late October 2012 and just want to say, "thanks". Twenty hours straight is a long time to listen to one person, but let me tell you, it was EASY, ENJOYABLE, and EDUCATIONAL. You put a lot into the course, you care, and it shows. While I have experienced some good break-throughs over the prior months, I had another TWO on this drive (TOTAL relaxation of upper body/head/throat and application to some songs). What a blast it was. Now starting to patiently explore vol3. Words can hardly express the joy / excitement I feel as I proceed through the program. Thanks-a-bunch! -Kenbo
When I'm driving solo and I don't hear Ken's voice, something isn't quite right...
There's nothing like a nice, long solo drive and my stack of audio recordings of KTVA webinars, video soundtracks, and exercises!
You start out on a long drive and end up a better singer! Now that's my kind of trip!