Only the Good Die Young
STREAMING PRO Posts: 1,025
Hi All, can you please give me some feedback and critique on this recording? This is me singing and playing piano at the same time along to a drum backing track.
Thanks, Michael!AvqpmhkVjP-MiQKI_8kWVszHYJcg
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales
Thanks, Michael!AvqpmhkVjP-MiQKI_8kWVszHYJcg
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales
thanks for putting a smile to my face. I never heard this song before. You present it with good energy. Your timing got much, MUCH better, mate. Kudos.
I get the point Chris mentions. I agree that you could brighten your sound a little more. And I want to add that, to my ear, you are bringing a lot of weight in the higher range. Try to reduce the volume (and power) you need to go higher and let resonance take over. I have the same problem and Ken could demonstrate me within minutes during my first 1-on-1 session that a lot of problems I was having come from singing too loud. You will need TONS of support to do so.
i think maybe you could bring down the tempo a bit, not sure if it is the drums, but sometimes it sounds a bit hectic to me.
and in the choruses, i think it would be nice if the long held chords would sound a bit more powerful, it might be the piano preset.
where the lyrics are "brand new soul" and after, there is something off with the timing on the piano.
i realize I am not saying anything about the singing. because it sounds pretty good to me!
Yes I'm building a live set for performance. Doc I'm guessing Billy Joel never became popular in Germany, he is a HUGE success in the US and this is certainly one of his greatest hits. Glad you were introduced to this song.!AvqpmhkVjP-MiQ9SbQHmXMGwNxeW
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales
Nice job. I think the second version is better. I would like to hear you lean into the notes a little more, especially the F#4's and G#4's. with more support. Those notes are just a skoshe flat unless you support them sufficiently. I agree with Klaus that you could lighten up on the consonants to help the overall flow of air to be unimpeded.