Prince - The Beautiful Ones - vocal cover

Raphael_HusslRaphael_Hussl 2.0 PRO Posts: 159
Hey there,

now after about 5 1/2 months of practising with Volume 1 I finally wanted to post a singing demonstration in here for the first time. The song I chose is "The Beautiful Ones" by Prince & the Revolution. Of course nothing compares to Prince but I tried the best I could at this moment to do justice to it. Any kind of feedback is always welcome. So here it is, enjoy!


(In case Youtube should ban the video because of copyright infringement here's another link:


@samw2019 @coffeecrank @doc_ramadani @Wigs @Sophia @Chris82 @Klaus_T @DogMeat @maximgottmer @Rick_amateur @Mysti @Vocality @heidianita @d1g2w3 @GuyChan @blondiewales @Diego


  • maximgottmermaximgottmer 2.0 PRO Posts: 313
    edited December 2019
    Great work man! you really put your soul in it and that's what music is about. Good support with a nice vibrato as result. Chest voice could improve to sound more easy somewhere at the end, but who am I to say so :)
    I loved it. Greetings Maxim
  • Chris82Chris82 2.0 PRO Posts: 594
    @Raphael_Hussl Looks like your video got taken down. I'd love to hear it could you re-upload it somewhere else?
  • heidianitaheidianita 2.0 PRO Posts: 144
    I haven't heard you before, but I loved this! You sing with passion and good dynamics. Nice pitch. I would like to hear the vocals more upfront from the music, to be more critical, but all in all good work!

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for tagging me 😁
  • Chris82Chris82 2.0 PRO Posts: 594
    edited December 2019
    Thanks guys I didn't see the dropbox link somehow, guess I'm just blind lol.

    Anyways, good singing @Raphael_Hussl it sounded very nice to me and you sang it with great emotion! I can't help but be concerned with the amount of neck tension you had to use to sing this song. All the stuff going on with your neck is what you generally want to avoid. It should feel relaxed not forced, squeezed or pushed.

    How did it feel for you to sing this song? Does it tire you out?
  • GuyChanGuyChan 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 173
    I can't access neither of them :cry:
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Good moring, Raphael, @Raphael_Hussl

    oh, what a surpise: PRINCE. :love: I am a big Prince fan. Man, you did pretty good. I like how gently you are able to drop your voice from falsetto into chest voice. And you put a lot of emotions in this recording. Artistically a great performance. Technically I am little bit with Chris ( @Chris82 ). How does it feel? And what about resonant belting? - I miss some support.

    Overall a pretty good job, mate.

  • Raphael_HusslRaphael_Hussl 2.0 PRO Posts: 159
    @maximgottmer Thanks for the feedback, Maxim and great if you liked it! I really appreciate this.

    @coffeecrank Thank you, Lana! Yes, I really hope to sing this song on a much higher level then and actually I want to put even a lot more emotion into it. Thanks for the feeback!

    @heidianita Thank you! It's good to see, that you liked it so much.

    @Chris82 Thanks for your feedback! Yes, I still notice this problem with tension on songs like this one quite often. It didn't feel like I was totally tiring out while singing this, but also I didn't check how it would be if I sang it for a really long time all over again. I feel a little like I'm having the problem that I didn't yet find out how I can apply all the techniques to my practical singing. I will try to go back through all the techniques and find some more time to work on applying the technique to songs because I feel a little like I'm always falling back into my old singing habits when I work on songs.

    @GuyChan I'm sad to hear that. Was it also banned from Dropbox? Copyright issues with Prince covers seem to be a common thing. Meanwhile I deleted it from Dropbox, but mainly because I noticed that by mistake I had uploaded it into the wrong folder that's not mine alone. I will see if I can fix this somehow and re-upload it.

    @doc_ramadani Yes, he's just one of the greatest. Thank you for the feedback! Yes, I notice this problem. On this day when I sang the song in front of the microphone I also suddenly felt a lot more tension than a couple of days earlier. About a week ago I had a gig where I played the song and sang and played it on an acoustic guitar. With my recorded version I was not really satisfied because when I sang it at the gig some parts felt a lot easier and more comfortable. I need to look more into the lessons on how to sing songs again. I often notice the problem that in the exercises I seem to have a lot more range than when I sing songs.
  • Raphael_HusslRaphael_Hussl 2.0 PRO Posts: 159
    @GuyChan Ok, I've updated the Dropbox link. Does it work now?
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    For the amount of time on the course, that was very well done. You're getting really good control of your registers, just keep an eye on the tension and in another year or so you will make this sound even better 👍🏼
  • DogMeatDogMeat 2.0 PRO Posts: 437
    edited December 2019
    Good work for just 5,5 months. You will get better on each area with time, so no need to pin down any specific things. You have the passion in the performance, and always keep hold on that. It is really hard to have if you don't have is naturally. You have, so hold on to that.
  • Raphael_HusslRaphael_Hussl 2.0 PRO Posts: 159
    @Wigs Thank you! Yes, I hope so. I just catch myself being very impatient sometimes because I want to do everything at once but it's good to know that with diligence and enough work progress can only go in one direction.

    @DogMeat Thank you, Yes, I will try to keep hold on that. One good thing I'm always noticing is that over the years that passion is even getting stronger because you have more experience and memories of everything that didn't work and was frustrating so the motivation to change something for the better is getting much stronger.
  • GuyChanGuyChan 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 173
    @Raphael_Hussl It still doesn't work ! Could send me the link ?
  • GuyChanGuyChan 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 173
    edited January 2020
    Thanks @doc_ramadani !

    @Raphael_Hussl Hey wow great job ! I love your sweet tone. Really appreciated listening to the song :smiley: Rock on ! (Or pop on)
  • Raphael_HusslRaphael_Hussl 2.0 PRO Posts: 159
    @GuyChan Thank you! I will try my best to do this :smiley:
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