Hello from Denmark, everyone!


I saw others introducing themselves here, and from what I have read throughout the forum so far, people seem to be very nice and gentle at this place :-)
So why not do it myself!

My name is Thomas. I'm 27 years old and lives in Denmark.
I have been singing on and off since I got myself a car (in the car :p ). But I guess a lot start that. Where none can hear how terrible you are.
Just before I turned 24 I picked up a guitar and learned how to play most things relative fast. It was my excuse to sing.
Few years ago I teamed up with my brother, who is an magnificent guitar player. We wanted, and still want, to make music in the style of the old 80's rock and metal. Very inspired by Gun n Roses.
That's where I hit the wall. After trying really hard to be able to sing this kind of stuff, I realize I don't know anything about actually singing. I decide to get myself a coach. However, I have not felt comfortable with any of the coaches my friends tried to throw on me. I just didnt believe in a success.

But then a month ago roughly, I step over Ken Tamplin on youtube. And MAN I got inspired! And shocked as well.
Now I'm processing Volume 1 in my third week I think. And feeling pretty good about it. Except I have not felt consistence.
That's what brings me to the forum. I heard Ken talk about the forum in a video, and decided to go read. BEST DECISION EVER!
Reading everyone's issues and road blocks and epiphanies have already helped me a ton! And with the response I see people get, I would love to share my progress at some point as well.

If it's ok to ask in this topic, I would love share a little confusion of mine.

I read some topics on the "diaphragmatic support" forum. And I got more wise for sure! But I never really gotten majorly surprised by it. As in I sense I have been doing it correct from the start.
Roughly a year ago I heard about breathing with the stomach through a random youtube video. Didnt make the world of sense to me, but I tried to do that.
So I actually don't know if I'm doing it right. And I can't seem to find a specific answer as to how I should know. Unless I would have done it wrong before doing it right.
Should I make a video to show how I do or? Is there some other way to measure? Cause I would feel dumb if I would continue doing the wrong thing :-/

Anyway sorry for the wall of text! I'm just REALLY excited and very dedicated with all this. I only do max, not half.

Thomas the Dane <3


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Thomas the Dane,

    Welcome to the KTVA Forums!  We're glad you decided to join us here.

    You will learn a lot from your studies of Ken Tamplin's lessons, and your voice will grow to be a Monster if you stay with it! 

    Feel free to post a video any time you want some feedback.  Support is a hard thing to describe how to do it.  It's something you have to feel.  If you're struggling with your voice, support is often lacking.  The higher you sing, the more support is needed. 

    You are wise to read as much as possible in the forums.  This will fill you in on a wide variety of topics and questions that others have asked about the voice and Ken's teachings. 

    Take it to the MAX!  No need to only go half way!


  • AmotarasoAmotaraso Pro Posts: 18
    Thanks Bob!

    I see you are probably the biggest poster on this forum :D And you have already helped me a ton. Your very detailed image descriptions have given me a lot so far. Thank you for that!

    I'll most likely post a video within the next week, to show how I breath. From time to time I wonder if the issue is caused by my asthma.
    But we will see!

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