I'm Still Standing Elton John Cover
STREAMING PRO Posts: 1,025
Hi All, can you please give me some feedback on this? It's me playing piano and singing. Thanks and happy holidays to all!
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales
On the first version, you are sliding up to the G4 and E4's. It would be better if you nail those notes, head-on.
On the second version, you have lowered the Key, so that the G4's are now F#4's and the E4's are now Eb4's. You nail those notes without hesitation and without sliding up. That's what you want. Nail it. If you keep training at it, the G4's can be sung as accurately as the F#'s and without sliding.
Lean more towards the AH vowel whenever you can up in this register.
You know what I mean. Instead of singing "I'm" you should sing "Ah-m." Instead of "Still" you should open it up to "St-ehl" Instead of "Standing" make it "StAAnd-ehn"
Doing it in that manner will help you to open up your throat more of the time. Give those chorus notes their full value of support. You need a solid basis from which to nail those power notes.
Keep up the good work, Michael!
I agree with the above said and think that your second version is better. Bob's hints are very good.
I'm late to the game here, but I wanted to commend you on a nice job on both versions. The second sounded "looser" in a good way, like Elton.
Bob's comment is spot on. From the first time I heard that song back in the day, Elton's pronunciation of "I'm" always caught my attention because it's so Elton, so open throat. If you're going for a more Elton feel, work on "I'm still standin'". Either way, great job!