Greetings from Portland, Oregon

Hi folks, my name is Rick and I live in Tigard just a few miles outside of Portland, Oregon. I'm almost 66 years old and have played guitar since I was 14. I'm probably an intermediate player because I don't play enough.

I've always wanted to sing but too many people, including my wife, tell me I suck at it (nice support huh?). I don't want to suck. I want to play and sing and have some fun.

One of Ken's recent emails dealt with Stage Fright. He hooked me. If Ken understands that he understands me. I can give a speech to 5,000 people without any fear (and I have) but to sing in front of 2 or 10 people is just terrifying beyond description. I belong to a guitar website and have attended their annual meeting a few times where they almost require you to perform in front of about 40 fellow guitarists. This is pretty terrifying too to perform in front of 40 of your peers. But of course, everyone is super supportive. I've done this a half dozen times and it's getting easier.

My goal here is to gain enough self-confidence singing that performing isn't so stressful. Briefly going through the course material I know I have a long way to go.

Happy singing to you all!!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032

    You will find that, as you practice your vocal exercises and learn more about how the voice works, that this was a wise move for you. You will enjoy your guitar-playing much more as you become more and more at-ease and comfortable with your singing voice. You will look back on this as one of the best things you have ever done for yourself, and really get a lot more enjoyment out of your musical endeavors!

    Welcome to the Forums!

  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Welcome to the forum's mate! This is definately a great place to start your singing journey, HEAPS of info about how to apply just about everything in the course in the student area, I had more than a few very late nights digging around. The sooner we get to hear you the better!
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Rick, @Bigbear76

    a warm Welcome also from a late-called singer from Germany. You definitely came to the right place. Stay with us and we will help you through the course as best as we can.

  • Chris82Chris82 2.0 PRO Posts: 594
    Welcome @Bigbear76 ! Great to have you here and thanks for sharing your story. My name is Chris and I hail from Denver, CO..

    I've always wanted to sing but too many people, including my wife, tell me I suck at it (nice support huh?)

    I'd rather have people being honest with me and the state of my voice rather than someone who thinks I suck blowing smoke up my ass to make me feel better. As long as they don't put you down about it too much having some honest feedback from other people is a good thing.

    One of Ken's recent emails dealt with Stage Fright. He hooked me. If Ken understands that he understands me. I can give a speech to 5,000 people without any fear (and I have) but to sing in front of 2 or 10 people is just terrifying beyond description.

    I totally get that! Did you know that public speaking/singing is the number one most common fear among adults in the United States? There are a few things you can start doing to help you get over this.

    1. Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice the better and more consistent your singing becomes which can help to give you some confidence.
    2. Sing for other people regardless. This more than anything has helped me overcome my stage fright. I go to Karaoke often now just to get up on stage and perform for other people. It was hard at first but each time I go it gets easier and easier and I feel more relaxed and confident.
  • sjonrokz4usjonrokz4u 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,287
    Wives can be so supportive ehh? I’m 55 man and like you played for years. Welcome aboard. I just joined up myself. Everyone seems pretty helpful
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