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VinnieJVinnieJ Member Posts: 2
edited January 2020 in The Singer's Lobby
I'm in the market for new ciem.. I'd like to hear some input and opinions from vocalist who may have used UE and JH or possibly Sensaphonic.. I myself started many moons ago with the shure E1 with custom sleeves from sensaphonic. At the time I was one of those who used one ear in and one out . I would use a custom ear plug for my left because of tinnitus. After a while I discovered sensaphonic made the 221 which is a stereo single iem but the sound quality is fine for just a vocal mix , it's not for a full band mix. So I've dicided to go back to using both left and right iem's... I'm trying to decide on the UE7pro or the JH custom Angie... any input would be much appreciated. Thank you.


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