I wanted to open a discussion on Marcelito Pomoy's vocal techniques given he's never had vocal coaching, yet he's able to mimic other artists voices (particularly Celine Dion) with little effort. Interested in hearing your feedback or video analysis reaction on Marcelito's techniques and which various registers he's tapping into to hit these notes.
if you mean the high parts I think it is a reinforced falsetto (or very heady mix) most of the time. But he drops it very low. This can be kind of dangerous because it can atrophy the chest voice. And in none of the two videos I can hear him using a good mid-voice.
Ty I understand it now I believe. Mix is the • In the —•— first (—) is chest voice second (—) is head voice and the • is the segundo passagio And mix is that • becoming more and more - then – then — and the more the • becomes — the bigger the mix becomes until you have a ________
if you mean the high parts I think it is a reinforced falsetto (or very heady mix) most of the time. But he drops it very low. This can be kind of dangerous because it can atrophy the chest voice. And in none of the two videos I can hear him using a good mid-voice.
first (—) is chest voice
second (—) is head voice
and the • is the segundo passagio
And mix is that • becoming more and more - then – then — and the more the • becomes — the bigger the mix becomes
until you have a ________
(chest to head with no break)
The break becomes the mix lol
Or am I just stupid? Hahahah