Change in tonal quality

I feel I may be asking a rather strange question here. Firstly I'm probably a total beginner in signing and I know very little about the voice. Is it normal for one's tonal quality to change slightly when ascending? For example there's a slight difference in tone let's say, when belting an A4 note and above. The thing is, I don't struggle with that note or anything and I don't think that it's falsetto, as it doesn't really feel not sound "airy". Normally there is this "ringing" vibe to my voice when I sing. I hear it most in the lower parts of my voice, maybe until about a G4. Even when I ascending beyond a G4 I still here the "ringing" sound, it's just that A4 and beyond, I feel there's a slight difference in tone above that note. Or is there something I'm doing wrong and I need to work on?