Vowel modification
Member Posts: 11
Hello guys,i've watched ken tamplin live stream about vowel modification.I have few questions.First of all,english is not my first languange,i am from romania and i speak romanian very well and also english but from what i know the vowels are A E I O U,the vowel modifications work the same in romanian as in english?for example you guys prounounce E like how romanins pronounce "I" ( i ) .Also,ken tamplin talks about ah,aa,aye,ee,oh,ooh,which honestly i can't understand whats the differnce betwen ah and aa,i mean i hear them like they are the same xddd,and when i get higher on a scale,i have to pronounce the vowels different ,right?
In lower registers it's much easier to create different sounds that are easy to differentiate between each other. Ah and aa and aye and ee relate to each other in this sequence. Think of aa as the sound we use to go from ah to aye.
As you go higher the sound needs to become smaller until you reach the extremely high notes when all the vowels tend to just start sounding almost the same, that's why you change as you go up. There is less difference in the purity of the vowels the higher you go.