Difficult vocals...

For those that have sung songs such as Foo Fighters - The Pretender, Linkin Park - New Divide, Toto - Africa... How difficult would you say the choruses of these songs are for you? They are some of the most difficult passages to sing for me. There is definitely a limit to how long I can properly reproduce these passages before running out of gas. Wondering if others have the same experience with these types of vocals, and what your thoughts are on why this is.
Best Answers
Wigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
I have tried pretender a few times, I find it difficult because it's right at the limit of my chest voice. Sometimes it causes me to waver between chest and head, then distortion added to that is a whole different ball game. You need rock solid support and a very good understanding of breath control. -
Diego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
The notes are definitely up there. Pretty hard to get through. Wigs is right, the notes can sometimes lie right where your break is, and without proper understanding it can tire you out really quickly.
Can you sing in head voice? Can you navigate the passagio? Without it, these songs are impossible.
I’m prepared to build the skills so i can sing these in the future!