my first Lah-a-a-A-a-a!

hi everyone,

  I'm so thrill to find KTVA online when i decide to improve my singing skill.  when I first listened to how Ken demo his singing voice, i immediately got fascinated by his singing style.  powerful yet effortless (it seems and it probably is).  this is exactly the kind of style i've been longing for.  I just did a complete session of vol 1 couple hours ago, and i was overwhelmed with all the information and techniques.  it seems i have a long way to go but i'm more than excited to open this new door in front of me.  I'm also very grateful for all the experience everyone shares here.  Awesome course and wonderful community.  i can't ask for more!




  • KenboKenbo Pro Posts: 26
    Congrats and welcome Mark! I can easily remember the feeling of finishing vol1 for the first time. Hold on to that enthusiasm and grow that voice. KT is a very inspired teacher. Wishing you the very best! -kenbo
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    Welcome, Mark!

    You have just begun a long journey of developing your voice that will last you the rest of your singing life!

    Take your time and repeat the exercises daily.  Also, review the video frequently.  There is so much information packed into each of the KTVA Volumes that you need to watch it again and again periodically.  You will always notice something that you overlooked before. 

    You are forming the foundations for your new voice, so make sure you do everything exactly as Ken describes.  You want your foundation to be a strong one, upon which you will build your new voice!


  • no7no7 Pro Posts: 6
    thanks guys!  

      like anything creative, it will be a life-ling learning experience.  however, this is definitely one of those rocket jump moment.  i'm enlighten.  Incidentally, has anybody ever discussed about how the vowel modification works on other language (such as mandarin, japanese...etc)?  i'm very curious about if there is any difference (i will share my experience along the way as well).  

    thumbs up for this wonderful community!


    p.s. plz let me know if i need to relocate the thread for changing the topic. thx! 
  • FarawayGuyFarawayGuy Pro Posts: 38
    edited March 2013
    Hi, Mark, and welcome! I am not sure about mandarin and japanese languages :) but in the Russian language vowel modifications work very nice. Sure there is a difference in prononciation of sounds, the Russian is sharper and harder, and even lips for the same vowels are positioned differently ( for example E - in the English you will smile while sayin or singin it, in the Russian you just slightly move your lips apart). But everything work very well - I sing songs in both the languages and some in the Italian (which is closer to the Russian when prononciation is concerned), so my experience is very positive.
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