Home Vocal Health and Wellness

Ramadan (holy month)

AwadiAwadi 2.0 PRO Posts: 33
edited March 2020 in Vocal Health and Wellness

I was wondering, now that the month of fasting is coming (Ramadan, no food or liquids allowed) how should my approach to singing excercises and singing overall look like? The fasting here where I live is atleast 19 hours, which leaves about a 5 hour window where you aren’t fasting.

I usually do my vocal excercises at like 6-9 pm at common activity club in my city. My question is, will doing my vocal excercises at 9 pm and then fasting for 19 hours, have a negative effect on my voice?

I do physically workout and train my body and under Ramadan I don’t because of not eating it isn’t a good idea since you can’t build any muscle, are the vocal chords like that too?

And if I should do my excercises, should I keep them to a minimum?

I really think this could be an interesting topic with a lot to say about it, looking forward to your insights!

Kind regards


  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Awadi,

    even if my last name is moslemic, I am not a moslem. I am christian. But I know form some of my patients that they feel a little bit weak when fasting. I don't think that your fasting will be negative for your voice. But you should practice during your non-fasting time to be able to drink water.

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