New from Texas!

Hello everybody, My name is David and i am a Guitar Player / Multi Instrumentalist from central Texas. I have been singing for 2 years (Classical) and have been through 5 vocal teachers. One of my vocal teachers taught that consonants were more important then vowels! yeah.... theres alot of them out there but Ken Tamplin is the real deal and i am happy to report that after 1 week of using Ken Tamplins material i have grown tremendously and today i have reached a new high! My voice feels more powerful then ever just learning the release vowels. I have spent over a year on fundamentals taught to me from a great teacher named Nicolas Simpson. So learning the release vowels ken uses has been a real "rocket ship" when singing rock!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386

    Hi, David!  Nice of you to introduce yourself!

    Gosh, I am glad that you have been rescued from your consonant-emphasizing classical teacher!   Now you can rock your way to the cosmos!  One week with KTVA is just the beginning.  One year is a good start... 

    Two years from now, you'll be rockin'


  • HidenseekHidenseek Pro Posts: 7
    moderation is a foreign word to me lets see if i cant cram 2 years into 1! xD

    My current schedule is singing from 5pm to 12am focusing on fundamentals and basic muscle movement and trying to absorb everything Ken is saying. What schedule do you use or would recommend so i don't experience diminishing returns?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386
    edited March 2013

    My recommendation would be to spend 24 hours per day, six days per week focusing on all aspects of Ken's exercises and teachings.  I'm afraid that if you take a break every day from 12 AM to 5:00 PM, you will have to start all over again each evening and warm up again.

    The only reason you should throttle back would be if you find yourself going hoarse.  You shouldn't experience that, though, unless you are not properly following Ken's instructions!

    Be sure to stay hydrated.  Drink at least 64 ounces of room temperature water every eight hours. 


    The only thing we have to fear about moderation is moderation itself!


  • HidenseekHidenseek Pro Posts: 7
    ! that's the green light i needed! i look forward to posting my progress on these forums.
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