At about 50s you lost some support and started pushing more air than needed, in turn you lost a bit of pitch as well. I think this problem carried for much of the rest of the song as well unfortunately. Good effort though, I certainly can't play and sing or write my own stuff.
At about 50s you lost some support and started pushing more air than needed, in turn you lost a bit of pitch as well. I think this problem carried for much of the rest of the song as well unfortunately. Good effort though, I certainly can't play and sing or write my own stuff.
Coming back to this forum after a while gone. Yea, think I'd agree with this assessment, thanks!
Great Job man! The first time heard it i thought "maybe more dynamic would be cool" but the second time i listened to it i heard that there were actually the more quieter parts... hmm soo idk maybe a mixture of better recording so that it is easier to hear the details that you put into. just by using one or two mics of the piano and one for the voice ... i think you did a great job but i needed a second time to listen to it to find these parts, i don't know if American Idol has the time to listen to songs twice, do you know what i mean ? They maybe just zap though hundreds of videos. But were you successful ? ... The other thing is, i really think your singing is great but even more dynamic in playing and singing, and even more emotional could work fine, strategicly placed vibratos so that they can hear you have the vibrato under controll. My singing teacher said "do it 150% because so much get's lost because of the sound or the attention span of the listener... If you think it is too much it is maybe just right to get it across" know what i mean? But still, great job man!
it has a ben folds vibe, i dig it. i agree a slightly better recording would help us hear what's going on. the piano sounds good but the voice recording sounds weak in volume and clarity.