Let It Rain - Trine
Does anybody have comments on this? I think I have some: I could perhaps "smile" more, add even more support and there are some vowel modifications that are not perfect. What else are there?
By the way, it is recorded in my living room with my new Zoom Q2 HD handy recorder. A smart little device even if the sound is not the same as in a studio, of course. The backing are two monitors that I point at the recorder (me and them a triangle, with the recorder in front of me on a chair on the table). I use a Youtube track. I found out that it is a simple way to record things.
Another good job. You are right about the smile. Just add a little brightness to the tone. Right off the start I Have Given is a little pitchy. Use the proper vowels. Ah Aa(hat) Eh(led). Sing just the ah vowel through phrase 1 then add these vowels then the actual words. See if that helps. Your support starts to kick in around line 3 and then the tone sounds better. In the chorus you could a a little more Aa(hat). Into the word Rain to free it up a bit more. Good work.
I concur with the suggestion to brighten a bit for a little more sparkle and brightness.
At about 1:35 I notice that you should support a bit more.
Your recording setup works very well for demo work.
Your voice continues to grow. Keep up the good work!