East coast PA guitar guy

Hello, my name is James. I am in college and feel I've done a bang up job of learning the guitar. I quit my band because the environment wasn't a respectful one but I'd like to keep going. I am not a natural singer and I find myself sliding into pitch when I don't want to and changing my tone when I didn't mean to. I hope to change this so I can depend on myself to lead a band in a respectable way. I am only about 2 weeks into the program and find it more enjoyable than Singing success. I don't want to comment on the differences until I am deeper into the course. That said I met brett manning and he said i was "above most singers" and that just can't be since I don't have the confidence to sing more than 2 bars without something going wrong. I am not a stranger of committed hard work and I hope I can turn my situation around. Thanks for reading! --James
It is indeed a great pleasure to welcome you to your new vocal home, KTVA!!!
There are many here on the same journey you are embarking upon. This is a lifelong developmental course that will pay you back again and again for all the effort you put into it. Many of us are here because we got tired of being on a roller-coaster of bands that had to deal with tyrannical vocalists, or simply wanted to become part of a more compact musical group where either everybody sings lead, or at least YOU can take that role. Life gets simpler and more efficient when you can rely upon yourself.
There is a lot of work involved, so don't delay, dig in and listen to every word Ken says in the videos and in the workouts. Stick with it and you WILL get results!