When to begin adding in consonants when practicing song?
2.0 PRO Posts: 175
For the last couple weeks I’ve been practicing “With You” by Chris Brown and singing it in a key around the same range as my speaking voice and sometimes a few steps above that. My vocal fach is baritenor. Each day I do a few of the chest voice exercises on Ken’s YouTube channel as well as practicing only the vowels of the song. I tried singing the song with the consonants a few times. The only times I felt confident in the overall sound of it is when I was signing it within my natural speaking range or a step or two higher than that at the most but I still feel like I need more practice singing the vowels because I lose my tone when I sing it with consonants in higher keys. I also use a tuner app to see what pitches I’m singing and I also have a keyboard which helps as well. At what point would it be appropriate to begin adding in consonants? And do you guys have any recommendations when it comes to that?
Consonants become more of a challenge the higher we go, if your singing with vowels that great try gently bringing in the consonants just so the listener can underdand whats being sung and retaining open throat. Takes quite a bit of practice, experimenting and bearing in mind you have Hard consonants like ing um etc.