Old dog learning new tricks!

Hello All,
I've been playing some type of music since I was 16. I started out on the banjo, then to guitar and now I play bass in a rock cover band (talk about going from one of the spectrum to the other). I have been playing and singing for 8 years, I cover Pat Benetar, Heart, Joan Jett and so on. I never have felt real confident about my singing, even though people around me said I sing great....BUT, "to thy own self be true".
My next thought was, " I'm too old to start trying to learn to sing better". Still trying to overcome that because I'm 48, and I think, how much longer am I going to be able to do this??
Anyway......I am so glad I ran across KTVA. I found videos of Ken performing live shows and I was blown away!! I knew he was the real deal!
I'm very excited and dedicated to learn everything I possibly can, I've been practicing everyday and seeing positive progress.
I think the forum is awesome....and Bob, you're great! Thanks for the help you have already given!!
Hey, Pam!
It's my pleasure to be of help to you, as it is for Ken, Scott, Rayhan, and all of the many participants here at this forum site!
As to your age, you're just a young'un, girl. You and that pup in the photo with you!
I'm quite senior to the both of ya's! In fact, I think I'm having a senior moment right now! Now where was I? Oh, yeah, It's never too late to aspire to be a better singer. You can and you will take your vocal skills as far as you are willing to pursue the journey! I'm really enjoying learning everything I can about Ken's singing techniques, and applying it to my singing in my band! I first got interested in starting my serious vocal journey at about your age.
I'm well into it now, but I wasted many years on all of the other methods I tried. I spent a lot of money and came out of all of that with little to show for it.
You have the good fortune to have found Ken's program at about the time in life that I was throwing money away on terrible singing programs. Ken's methods really work, and the longer you use them, the more your voice will grow!
See?? Even KEN is OLD!!! Haha! Not really. He's young like you!
Keep your excitement level high, it will serve you well on your journey, and your love of music and singing will keep your heart young!
All the best to you and your husband, Pam!
Thanks Bob and thanks to everyone else in this forum. I look forward to a lot of great discussions.
Hi Pam!
I am only eight years younger than you, and started singing this autumn. I sang before, but only when I was alone. After I started KTVA, I have learnt so much, and even started singing in a band. And I also cover Heart...and several others. I am so happy for you that you started here! Did you post any vocal examples? It is so nice to hear others. I posted many times, and often things that I know are quite bad. I just want to learn, and I have nothing to prove. I want comments so that I can adjust and grow.
See you!
It's always nice to know that you are not alone. So far I'm thrilled with what I'm learning. I haven't figured out how to post vocals yet, however, when I do I'll be happy to post. I would love to get feedback on what I'm doing wrong.
I was very happy and amazed during this weekends performance that I didn't have the pain that I usually do on certain songs. That is a huge breakthrough for me!!
How great to hear!
I am again and again surprised by the progress I make. I do what I am told to do, I work hard, and it helps.