Bitch (Meredith Brooks cover) by coffeecrank
2.0 PRO Posts: 763
Another attempt at rock. All ooh-ooh's at the end are mine.
@doc_ramadani @Diego @Vocality @Wigs @cwcw @DogMeat @Raphael_Hussl @BarbieLynn @d1g2w3 @Rick_amateur @omkarpancham @maximgottmer @bonvie56 @Furious_Phil @Chris82 @shining @Maya @LumiMoon @iZak @jimmieYYM @heidianita @NickW @HuduVudu @sjonrokz4u @Duoleeva @jaclynser @Michael4000 @Mysti
@doc_ramadani @Diego @Vocality @Wigs @cwcw @DogMeat @Raphael_Hussl @BarbieLynn @d1g2w3 @Rick_amateur @omkarpancham @maximgottmer @bonvie56 @Furious_Phil @Chris82 @shining @Maya @LumiMoon @iZak @jimmieYYM @heidianita @NickW @HuduVudu @sjonrokz4u @Duoleeva @jaclynser @Michael4000 @Mysti
The song chords reminded me of teenage wasteland by The Who, and the lyrics were reminiscent of Sex by Berlin
The tone of your voice is perfect for this song.
Nice idea... why not Or maybe we can do a duet
But its sounds totally differnt with my voice. Mine is not so full and solid like yours.
Yes... but I guess (and hope) it won´t totally change the tone of my voice. Otherwise we would all sound the same. Wouldn´t that be kind of boring?
Little notes that may help you. Your sound is very forward and nasal, so try what Ken suggests when bringing the sound out of the nose. Try plugging your nose on your scale exercises and then when practicing the song and you will have an easier time seeing when you are really too far forward and how you can round out your sound a bit more.
You can afford to spend some time on your vibrato as right now it's not quite natural. For example, in your verses, the last word of each line you tend to give off into your headvoice and put on a vibrato. Instead of going into headvoice, try to keep it stronger in the chest voice.
Careful not to close down too much on some of your words. For example "today won't mean a thing" instead of finishing the word "thing" on a hard I vowel and closing down on the "NG", try keeping that open and do "eh" - like "th"eh"ng" and then just barely touch on the "NG" so you are not closing off the throat. That is one example, but it happens throughout the song, so just watch for that.
"oohs" remember what Ken says about how you need to control your air even more in the headvoice. Right now it still has a "flutey" sound, so you may want to look at Glottal Compression and he talks about holding the air in the lungs like you are speaking under water. When you are in headvoice you have to be even more careful of this to achieve that bright timbre.
Anyways, great work! Keep it up!
I'm now going down to D3's in my workouts!