This be I

17-year old who legit had never sung until a year prior, where every attempt at it was the equivalent of scratching nails onto a chalkboard into a microphone that was connected to an amp at full blast.

After about a year of very rare practice (as every member of his family berates him for even trying, claiming that he will never be good at singing), using a phone to record his voice to figure out what the heck didn't sound like a dying cockatrice, he got a very, VERY minute understanding of pitch and how to not sound depressed and suicidal when singing.

Found KTVA at some point and hooked up for the constant emails that Ken sends. He hoped to purchase the course after leaving the house upon which he resided for college, where he would practice singing in peace, away from his family.

When Covid-19 struck and he found himself doing nothing except working at a Jack in the Box all day every day, and he saw the $60 off, he stalled until the last day and bought it with 2 hours left on the deal.

This 17-year old's goal in singing is simply to get extremely good at singing and just pull out a song during a wedding (most likely mine if I do get married) or if I believe I've got what it takes, a singing competition, which is unlikely since I intend to pursue singing more as a hobby.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Welcome aboard, @Hunted_Person!

    Follow the instructions and do your practices like Ken says! I wish I had gotten Ken's program when I was 17, but it didn't exist then!


  • Hunted_PersonHunted_Person Member Posts: 2

    This 17-year old's goal in singing is simply to get extremely good at singing and just pull out a song during a wedding (most likely mine if I do get married) or if I believe I've got what it takes, a singing competition, which is unlikely since I intend to pursue singing more as a hobby.

    Forgot to mention that I wish to do this as a "suck it" in front of my family
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