Stand Tall - The Dirty Heads (Cover)

Hey there dudes and divas! It's been a minute since I've had a chance to post any of my singing. My in-laws have been staying with us the past two weeks which really put a damper on my singing but they left yesterday and I've the whole day to sing today! I've known this song for a long time, it's one of those sing along songs I sang in the car but never tried to sing it on my own and record it. So I spent about an hour this morning practicing this song and here is the result. The original has multiple people singing the different parts but I just did them all.
@doc_ramadani @Diego @Vocality @Wigs @cwcw @DogMeat @Raphael_Hussl @BarbieLynn @d1g2w3 @Rick_amateur @omkarpancham @maximgottmer @bonvie56 @Furious_Phil @coffeecrank @shining @Maya @LumiMoon @iZak @jimmieYYM @heidianita @NickW @sjonrokz4u @Duoleeva @jaclynser @Michael4000 @Mysti
@doc_ramadani @Diego @Vocality @Wigs @cwcw @DogMeat @Raphael_Hussl @BarbieLynn @d1g2w3 @Rick_amateur @omkarpancham @maximgottmer @bonvie56 @Furious_Phil @coffeecrank @shining @Maya @LumiMoon @iZak @jimmieYYM @heidianita @NickW @sjonrokz4u @Duoleeva @jaclynser @Michael4000 @Mysti
@Michael4000 I had the lyrics memorized already.
Oh my... How I wish for sun and summer-heat. I will hear this again later in the summer 😎
I've always been kinda iffy about my own rapping but since you all enjoyed it here is a bonus song for you. It's a mix of rap and singing with a lot of melody:
@Raphael_Hussl & @heidianita Thank you!