Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - The PRO's Vocal Method

I have a few questions before purchasing.

ok so i think the main question im looking for is, will this help me find my singing voice? cause i think thats my biggest problem right now.

Another question about this is, does this show different styles or is this mostly for like rock n roll?

now just a random question, are there any tips anyone can give if you sing and dance at the same time?

Best Answer


  • voodoovoodoo Pro Posts: 250
    KTVA is THE program to buy if you are serious about wanting to sing better.  KTVA can be applied to any musical style, just check out Mr. Ken Tamplin on youtube applying KTVA techniques to vocal styles from Michael Jackson to Pavarotti and everyone in between. 

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2toNmoALR0  - Ken does Michael Jackson
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hggkXOuJx74   - Ken does Pavarotti

    The program works for everyone that buys it and uses it. KTVA is the best investment that a singer can ever make in oneself.

    To sing and dance at the same time you need to be in shape, have excellent breath control and support, and then just practice doing it.  Try to move as little as possible during higher/ stronger notes as you reduce your support capacity the more you move.  Good luck to you.
  • david1552david1552 Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 74
    edited March 2013

    I have to agree with Voodoo & Bob on this one, if you are serious about singing this is the one course to buy! 

    I have been in the KTVA program for aprox. 2 months now and the way my voice is growing is just insane!!!! I'm doing the exercises 6 days a week and I can now sing many songs in their original key. Before i started with KTVA I took many lessons (wasted my hard earned money) on song teachers that hardly could sing or explain the WHY'S. This forum is also one of the best sources for questions /information regarding your progress.  Bob, Voodoo, Patrick and many others are doing a fantastic job here answering all sorts of questions regarding singing.

    You won't regret it!

  • seekerseeker Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 83
    @voodoo my larynx hurts when I watch ken hit these notes XD
    HAHAHA I am a high bari as well :D this is gonna be one heck of a journey for me !
  • davo165davo165 Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 62
    I been doing programme for 4 months and have had singing lessons before as well as being a lead singer for years, this programme has re invented me as a singer. My range, tone and support have come leaps and bounds. If you follow kens instructions VERY carefully you will be amazed at yr own voice. Also once u buy programme u can get really awesome advice from administrators. fellow members and even Ken himself.
  • johnjohn johnjohn Pro Posts: 99
    @ slashthebomb: Since I can't dance, let alone dance and sing at the same time, I'm simply not qualified to offer an informed opinion on that!  
    However, I can tell you that Ken's program rocks, and has worked wonders for me.  
    If you diligently follow his instructions and maintain a regular practice regimen, you too will experience amazing and tangible results.
    You have to be willing to put the work in of course, and whenever you have issues, as we all do, assuming you purchase the bundle, which I highly recommend you do, you'll have full access to this incredibly helpful and supportive, forum. 

    All the best,

  • AlyonaAlyona Member, Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 286
    I can tell Ken's technique can even help opera ahahah! I sing rock and pop, but recently trying some opera sound - and it sounds much bigger and clearer. Ken himself got all that classic information. So I trust him a lot on this subject. To sing and dance at the same time - I was practicing this - just after warm up - try to sing a song very clearly, not necessary to belt, but just sing clear note, and move. After some exercise like that - several days in a row I could jump and sing at the same time. Loud songs. So this is just practice. And it's cool for your breath too.
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