Don't Stop Believin

Hi All, can you please give me some feedback and critique on this recording?
Thanks, Michael!AvqpmhkVjP-MizVXFkB8YZUPTjPH
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales @maximgottmer @KenfromCZ @bonvie56 @sjonrokz4u @Chris82 @coffeecrank @JackLeininger @Perriard @shining @d1g2w3 @jmstanle
Thanks, Michael!AvqpmhkVjP-MizVXFkB8YZUPTjPH
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales @maximgottmer @KenfromCZ @bonvie56 @sjonrokz4u @Chris82 @coffeecrank @JackLeininger @Perriard @shining @d1g2w3 @jmstanle
@Michael4000 I heard some shaky pitch now and then, and also a lot of good pitch. Some longer notes were pretty stable at the end as well. Good job! Tone was also pretty good. Keep that space in the throat and bright tone. I feel as if your voice has room to go a bit higher with this song. Did you try going up a half or whole step from your current version? do you play the piano at the same time?
You will keep improving!
All the best,
It is 6 half steps below the original. I could probably try to push it up to a slightly higher key.
I did not sing and play at the same time. I laid down the piano track and then just tried to really focus on my vocals.
I am so sorry that you didn't hear from me for several weeks. I read your Facebook comments. Please forgive me, this damn corona pandemic needed all my attention.
I like you version of this song a lot. I can hear a lot of great technique. On the other hand I miss something. I miss that special sound that Steve uses when hitting the high notes in the verses (i.e. on "livin' in A LONELY world"). I noticed that you pitched the song down 6 semitones. To my opinion this takes away some of the energy. Personally I would try to sing the song closer to the original key.
Besides this, great cover.
@coffeecrank It's not a matter of breath support for me on this, I think I just need to dial it back in volume and maybe put a higher percentage of head voice in the mix than chest...just go a little lighter on it. Also maybe back off from the mic (physical proximity)