Microphone that deals with feedback

I´m starting practice ocassionaly with a band, my main problema is that either there are feedback issues or I can´t make myself heard over the other instruments. Problaby the problem comes from the Singer, because I´m not able to sing loud - yet
- but we have tried different strategies such as eq and monitor position. We can´t lower the volume of the rest of instruments either if we want to match the level of the drums.
Have to say that the mics we used were absolutelly crap, and recently we tried with a shure SM58 that was a great improvement, but not enougth.
So I am decided to invest in a quality mic that helps with feedback issues, the SM58 was an improvement, but I have read wonders about AUDIX OM7, sennheiser MD431 and heil audio. ¿Any advice or experience? ¿maybe other options? Those ain´t cheap so any advice is more than wellcome.
Thanks !!!

Have to say that the mics we used were absolutelly crap, and recently we tried with a shure SM58 that was a great improvement, but not enougth.
So I am decided to invest in a quality mic that helps with feedback issues, the SM58 was an improvement, but I have read wonders about AUDIX OM7, sennheiser MD431 and heil audio. ¿Any advice or experience? ¿maybe other options? Those ain´t cheap so any advice is more than wellcome.
Thanks !!!

It can be tricky getting everything set up so that the sound is what you're looking for and the noise and feedback are minimized. It's a lot easier, once you get everything placed right and your gains all set up, if you don't have to continually change venues!
My experience has been that all mics will feed back, and @Klaus_T is right...the super hypercardoid mics are easier to "aim,' ….but....those narrow polar patterns can be challenging for a vocalist that likes to move around a lot. You get off the center of the pattern and you will disappear to your listeners.
Covid-19 aside...an SM58 works great if the vocalist keeps it so his/her lips are very nearly touching the screen at all times, unless they're belting.