A happy Swede says hi
2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 4
Hi guys! Haven’t posted anything here yet so I thought I’d just check in and say hi. I have been doing the volume 1 practices 3-5 times a week for two months now, and I have noticed some improvements, yet I’m struggling with some things.
The long scale is what I’m experiencing most struggle with. It just seems that playing it at normal pace is too quick to sing along to. The notes just slides into each other, without having a subtile “gap” betweeen them. I was able to slow down the the long scale in my computer to 0,7 x the normal pace, and that has helped me a lot. With 0,7-0,75 x the normal pace I seem to be able to hit all the notes, with a small distinction from one another. I have tried to speed it up to 0,8, and at some days it is manageable, others it isn’t. Have you experienced this as well?
The short scale feels fine.
I’ll post videos of me singing the scales in due time.
Hope you’re all safe and well out there. Here in Sweden there aren’t that much of restrictions. But now it’s the beautiful rainy Swedish summer, and I’m happy. It’s nice to do the workouts and experiencing some improvements. /Daniel
The long scale is what I’m experiencing most struggle with. It just seems that playing it at normal pace is too quick to sing along to. The notes just slides into each other, without having a subtile “gap” betweeen them. I was able to slow down the the long scale in my computer to 0,7 x the normal pace, and that has helped me a lot. With 0,7-0,75 x the normal pace I seem to be able to hit all the notes, with a small distinction from one another. I have tried to speed it up to 0,8, and at some days it is manageable, others it isn’t. Have you experienced this as well?
The short scale feels fine.
I’ll post videos of me singing the scales in due time.
Hope you’re all safe and well out there. Here in Sweden there aren’t that much of restrictions. But now it’s the beautiful rainy Swedish summer, and I’m happy. It’s nice to do the workouts and experiencing some improvements. /Daniel
Jag är också från Sverige
Just nu är jag på volym 3. Och ja, jag har haft samma problem som du, och har det fortfarande ibland. Många skalor är riktigt svåra och krävande i början, och det underlättar om du tar dem långsamt. Andra skalor är rejält tröttande för halsen, och upplever du trötthet eller smärta bör du ta några minuters paus innan du fortsätter. De här övningarna fungerar som styrketräning för stämbanden, och det är naturligt att bli trött av dem. Se bara till så att du inte sliter onödigt på stämbanden, och kom ihåg vikten av att dricka mycket vatten och sova ordentligt, så kommer du i sinom tid att övervinna dina hinder!