The course??

Hi guys, just asking about the course, I’ve had one on one lessons here In Australia and am now thinking of buying the course. So what I’m asking is for feedback if it can really help me to improve my range and make it easier to sing in those higher registers??? Thanks
i have done the course for about 1,5 yrs and i am so much better now, and feel more confident about my singing too. there is still room, i am not "great" or maybe even "good" by now but the difference is still huge and noticeable to from before the course. the course is really worth the money, go for it.
you can always give it a few weeks on the free YT videos to see if it helps you grow your voice, that's what convinced me to buy it, because two weeks in i could already notice a difference and then it would have seemed like a waste of time to not get the actual course right then
You'll need to put in sweat equity and be prepared to start from scratch, it will still take a long time to grow your voice, the course is not a short cut.