What is singing in key?

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Chris82 2.0 PRO Posts: 594
In music theory a key (or scale) is basically a collection of notes that sound good when played together. Singing out of key is when you sing a note that isn't in that key.
For example the key of C Major includes the notes C,D,E,F,G,A and B
The key of A major includes the notes A,B,C#,D,E,F#, and G
So if you are singing a song in C major you can use any of those notes however if you use an F# while in the key of C well that note doesn't belong in the key and you would be singing out of key and it would sound off or out of place. -
Chris82 2.0 PRO Posts: 594
If you train you ear well enough you’ll quickly be able to hear when you might be out of key or slightly off pitch sure.
The only way I can explain singing out of tune and hoping you will hit the right note . IIs a bit like being blindfolded and throwing darts at a dart board . You may hit the right place just by luck lol . But if you can hear the notes then its possible to sing by ear.
Hope that helps
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