Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

5 month review <3

Hi everyone, just wanted to share my progress so far. After sampling dozens and dozens of other vocal coaches
out there on youtube, i know without a doubt that this is THE best course I could every have purchased. I could
really go on and on about how much I love Ken Tamplin! BUT, to keep it brief, I am about 5 months into it and
my voice is so much stronger, my range is gradually increasing on top and bottom. And I am learning to really
connect with the actual feeling of the mechanics of my vocal tract. I can sing so much better and am looking forward to
reaching my full potential as a singer. I also study guitar and hope to be doing gigs by this time next year as an
acoustic jazz/blues solo female. Love to All! This is the best investment of your time you will ever make!
Will post updates!


  • wojtekwojtek Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 96
    Hey @Marianne , I am at the similar point - slowly aproaching 5 months mark and have the same experience so far!
    Whatsmore I'm also hoping to get out there as a singer+guitarist. I will be aiming more towards a lead singer in a band ;p It would be awesome to make it a reality by the end of this year!
    Keep on progressing!
    Fingers crossed!
  • EmanueleEmanuele 2.0 PRO Posts: 100
    edited June 2020

    3 months here. I started from a really awful situation but I think I am improving a lot thanks to the KTVA course!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Great reports! Glad to hear you are making wonderful progress. Ken's course is a real life-changer!

    All the Best!

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