Coldplay Fix You and other covers

DogMeatDogMeat 2.0 PRO Posts: 437
Hey everyone,

Havent posted any singing for a while, and mostly i've been training and singing in finnish language. Here is a videos i recorded today. This is ~16 months into KTVA (and practising) singing, and i have enjoyed almost every week of it. Been training Volume 3 for 4 months or so, 3-5 times a week, so that is the pace i've been able to sustain. These are 1st take and single take. Voice is gone throuhg Izotope Nectar 3 for fx, but no c&p editing. Feel free to follow the channel because i'll try to post somethingthere weekly or so. Thanks, and all comment are appreciated :smile:

Coldplay - Fix You
Love this song. Keep constantly getting better in it. Not sure how i do, but love singing it.

Nirvana - Man who sold the world
This is nice and easy song to sing and try to apply some distortion. I did, but have to admit that overdid it because i felt in im my throat afterwards. With this kind of tone i could sing only 5 songs or so.

Guns & Roses - Don't Cry
Song from the younghood. Haven't sang this for a while. I actually sang this 2-3 months into KTVA, so feel free to hear the difference. Not much song training. Everything just feels easier now.
back then https://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/11502/dont-cry-cover#

All comments welcome. Thanks for being here and love getting better with you guys!


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