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Are Kens' free webinars archived?

I 'm sorry for missing Ken's free webinar Today.Then again my daughter Isabella is enjoying her Easter basket and egg hunt.

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  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386

    Yes, It's a beautiful Sunny Day here in Oregon, isn't it?  All the better to celebrate Easter!

    The webinar recording is currently in the video production stage.  The producer, director, and editor, as well as the audio and video engineer are feverishly working their magic to make this webinar available to enrolled students as soon as it can be released, now that the live production team has done their job... 

    An announcement will be made when the Webinar is released.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386

    Member status only gives access to the smallest fraction of the available information on the KTVA forums.

    You will be flooded with information when you get your Enrolled or Pro status established.


  • 1MrMusicman681MrMusicman68 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the heads up Bob.Unfortunately it looks like it'll be a few weeks before I can become enrolled with my financial status being less than  favorable.The brighter side is ,I have been inspired by what I have already learned from ken's videos so not all is lost.I will continue to practice improving my voice each day I live and breath Yeah yea yeah yeah...(Journey lyrics there...well sorda. ^_^)
  • VoxVox Member Posts: 11
    It's confusing though.. I signed up for his news letter or something on this site, and I get the notifications and link to join them in my email when they happen on Sats..
    So it's confusing, that I can be apart of it, and ask questions if need be, but I can't view them afterwards... doesn't make sense..
  • VoxVox Member Posts: 11

    Thanks, but still doesn't make sense.. I understand what you are saying, but in this instance, it doesn't fit..

    The webinars are public.... anyone can attend them (since I only had to sign up for this forum to get access to the live webinars). So why can't I view them afterwards?  I can record them if I choose anytime during them -- so it's not a "private" demonstration.. etc..

    It's like going in reverse... " Hey , come to the webinar.. You can ask a question. interact with others that are there too - students and intentions a like .. Oh.. but you can never see them again, unless you enroll "...

    it's just weird..

    but oh well.. that's his call.. so all good..



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