Support problem. Can anyone help?

I've been practicing Lah scales for quite a while. The problem is that I can't get the diaphragmatic support concept right. I take a breath from the abdomen, but don't feel the strength at all. And after a while it start to hurt in my throat.
Should I take a quick snap of air? Should I love my belly forward?
From time to time I feel the strength, but rarely. I want to be able to fully control it.
Should I take a quick snap of air? Should I love my belly forward?
From time to time I feel the strength, but rarely. I want to be able to fully control it.
regarding your example: you need to pay attention to the LAH brightness/ping that Ken emphasizes all the time.
you sound very covered. you are using a lot of air. aim for more ping.
the ping is a signal that you are going in the right direction, so look for it.
read as much as you can about it, and watch all of Ken's stuff.
There is lots of information in the student's section of this forum, did you buy the course?
if not, on my profile page is a routine i had before i started the course. it is based on the free YT videos from Ken's channel
I know there's no magic pill, and I'm ready to work hard every day. But there must some more tricks he's using))))
Unfortunately, I can't afford to buy the course(
Anyway, thnx for the routine, I find it very useful having it all collected in one place.
you can already get results from the free material, if done (near) daily. get into it as much as you can. then it will come with time.
Tell me more about the course. I'm saving up right now.
Is it worth buying?
I know that the info he gives is very hard to come by and it really works.
But how far can you possibly get without Ken supervising you? He's not listening to you doing your scales, no feedback about your tone and pitch(( you got information, but applying it is an entirely different issue.
I'm based in Ukraine. It's far away from the US. There are no people here who can really teach you the basics of good singing,
especially good singing in English.
I teach English, so it kind of gives an advantage to go and find the best of the best))
By the way, I've really started to feel when things are going wrong. It's either there's no strength in the sound or it hurts in the throat, or both. So I'm learning to be objective not to get carried away. Though some results are already visible ( the voice is going stronger and bigger and warmer).