
MrMilesRMrMilesR 2.0 PRO Posts: 17
I'm new here. I don't have any musical knowledge
Or singing experience short of the time I was kicked out of Chuck-E-Cheese for ruining the Happy Birthday song. 😬


  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    Hi welcome to the KTVA forum from the UK great choice, don't worry plenty of help here to get you started and take your time read through volume 1 tutorial pdf that have instructions on how to do volume 1. Watch the tutorial videos on volume 1 follow Ken's instructions and if your not sure on anything post a question on the student part of the forum.

    I have been on the course for nearly 2 years and had to work through pitch issues (theres help for that as well if you need it). I strongly recommend Ken's toggling exercises when you start the audio workouts later and possibly doing some ear training 15 minutes a day I use www.tonedear.com select intervals start easy first.

    Great choice

  • MrMilesRMrMilesR 2.0 PRO Posts: 17
    I just purchased the corse and I am anxiously awaiting it.
    I've been following Ken's YouTube channel for many years, I'm pretty confident if I apply his methods my family will let me sing in the shower again.
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Welcome mate, your first post made me smile. Be ready to put in hard work and you will find the improvements. It's great that you haven't been discouraged, I look forward to hearing you. Make sure to spend alot of time reading old posts in the student forum as well, you can search by category or press discussions to see all the latest posts.
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