should I see a doctor? maybe I am overreacting??
2.0 PRO Posts: 4
Hi, first of all thank you for taking the time for reading. I started the course almost three months ago, bought the pro pack version and I just tried volume 2 as I felt I was ready but I wasn't THAT ready and I kinda used too much strenght during the workouts and I even lost some range, my voice is sore but it doesn't hurt too much; it's been a week since that and I am thinking of going back to vol 1, do it all again but also, I noticed since last week (that all of this started) little dots almnost like little bumps, same color as the rest of my throat; on the back on it and I got scared. I don't want to damage it permanently, the rest of it is normal it's not red or anything like that, so I hoped you guys could give me some advice... should I rest and recover with lighter workouts ... maybe see a doctor? Maybe @doc_ramadani could give me some advice. - clear
Best Answer
Vocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606@niki_2404
First off welcome to the Ktva Course and forum from the UK. Your missing out on the student part of the forums click this link to gain access
The best advice I can give if your worried is seek professional medical advice just to put your mind at ease. Are you going hoarse at all over singing can swell the vocal cords if so rest is important for recovery.
3 months switch to volume 2 is fairly quick I was on 1 for 7 months before moving to 2 and another 7 months before vol 3. Don’t rush volume 1 spend a bit more time on it if you feel Your having issues on vol 2.
Doc_ramadani been very busy you should get a response from him Soon.
Thank you so much! I will do that.
I didn't know there was a special student part of the forums, definetely will check that.
I thought three moths was ok since in the manual says minimun 12 weeks.. I should have read MINIMUN more carefuly.
In the current state of my country it's pretty risky to seek medical advice, it is just so difficult to get a doctor to check you if it's not an emergency or the virus itself, and the doctors that come to your house are pretty expensive so I tried calling a free medical line and they gave me some advice, calm and told me that if the pain was too bad I could try to take a pill (I rather not mention the name), but the pain is not really bad, I think my fear was bigger.
Thanks again for answering, blessings!