Greetings from an Alabama metalhead stuck on a farm. :)

Okay, so maybe the discussion title is a bit misleading because I actually LOVE living on a farm. But I really am stuck here--I've recently had to withdraw from college due to some health issues, and my cardiologist has forbidden me to drive for awhile. In the meantime, I'm making the most of everything by studying singing and composing some. 
So for a bit about me: I'm Courtney, a twenty-one year-old vocal performance major on hiatus from Alabama. My favorite color's blue and I'm obsessed with Finland, dragons, wolves, Nightwish, Nancy Drew, and Disney. I've had basic lessons in piano, violin, harp, and drums. (I don't remember anything from violin or harp, though...that was in elementary school.) My family moved a lot growing up, so I never really got a lot of solid musical training until college. Since I was thirteen, I've wanted to be the lead singer of a symphonic metal band. The band thing never really happened due to all the moving, but that dream is as alive as ever. Now that I have so much free time due to being ill, I really want to work on writing my own music and not wait around anymore to find other musicians before getting started. Thanks to college, I understand music enough to write it without actually playing any instrument competently. :P I do plan on trying to teach myself more piano once I have a bit more energy.

So for a bit about me: I'm Courtney, a twenty-one year-old vocal performance major on hiatus from Alabama. My favorite color's blue and I'm obsessed with Finland, dragons, wolves, Nightwish, Nancy Drew, and Disney. I've had basic lessons in piano, violin, harp, and drums. (I don't remember anything from violin or harp, though...that was in elementary school.) My family moved a lot growing up, so I never really got a lot of solid musical training until college. Since I was thirteen, I've wanted to be the lead singer of a symphonic metal band. The band thing never really happened due to all the moving, but that dream is as alive as ever. Now that I have so much free time due to being ill, I really want to work on writing my own music and not wait around anymore to find other musicians before getting started. Thanks to college, I understand music enough to write it without actually playing any instrument competently. :P I do plan on trying to teach myself more piano once I have a bit more energy.
Nice to meet you. Yeah, my favorite home that I still dream about, is the farm I lived on for a few years in Oklahoma. So if you're going to be marooned somewhere, a place out in the country can't be beat!
A piano can be a useful tool when studying the voice. If you don't have one handy now, you might look into getting an inexpensive keyboard second-hand somewhere. You don't have to be very good on it at all, it's just really handy for reference to pitches and notes. You will also find it very useful for composing.
I would have to agree that blue is the color that reigns over all others.
I hope you are able to use this time to learn much about singing and composing.
Hi Courtney!
Welcome to KTVA, you'll love it!
I am from Norway. I live on a small farm by a fjord, surrounded by high mountains and great mysteries. When I sing, the mountains answer me:-). I started singing last autumn, and you can't imagine how much I have learnt during these months. You have a lot to look forward to!
Good grief, I've certainly no lack of pianos, hahaha. We have three in our house--a spinnet, an upright, and a Steinway concert grand. And a pump organ. :P I also have a full keyboard that I'm still waiting to get back from school (it's still in my dorm--I haven't moved out yet). I definitely agree that pianos are useful for pitches. I can play well enough to learn vocal melodies and play some basic chords or whatever, but I'm wanting to get even more proficient.
@Trine: Wow, Norway! That all sounds so gorgeous!
Well, at least you won't be lacking for pianos, OR pump organs..
So you're all set to get crackin' on your next demo!
@Trine , do you know any Vikings? Courtney would like for you to send a few her way, along with any spare dragons, if you know of any in the Alabama area...
It's a long way to row, but with many you can bring a dragon-ship full! And many horned helmets!
Long hair... Got plenty of them, and they are rock'n roll vikings too. I come from Bergen, the capital of Norwegian metal (black, extreme and kinder versions). I don't know what kind of music you like, but here you see an example of some of the vikings I know. Did you hear about Enslaved? They are much nicer than they look. My boyfriend was the first drummer in one of the most famous of these bands, Immortal. It started out in the basement of his parents house. His mum opened the door to all kinds of long-haired guys with long spikes and nails coming out of their boots, so they could hardly walk, and welcomed them warmly.... This was in the beginning of the dark metal wave coming from the north. Now they have all grown up, are teachers and architects and carpenters. But they still play. I don't like the growling so much, but I like the energy, AND THE GUYS:-). So just let me know, and I'll send some to you. Express Airmail, perhaps?
How great that you liked it. Then I can show you some more Norwegian metal. Did you hear about Immortal? That's the band I told you about rehearsing in that basement. Some of them made a new group called 'I', they made a record and were going on tour with Machine Head, but then the vocalist decided to focus on Immortal instead. An that was the short story of I. But here they are. My boyfriend is playing the drums.
How is the singing going?
Symphonic metal eh? I listen to a little from time to time. That leads to a question @TheVikingMaiden who do you prefer Tarja Turunen, Anette Olzon, or current sit-in Floor Jansen? Myself, From time to time I like to watch live concert footage of Nightwish (as well as Tarja and Floor on their own), and Epica on youtube.
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