Sympathy for the Devil

Hi Everyone,
I've managed to get through my set list of 38 songs. I am now re-visiting all of them, learning piano and vocals together and without a click track, all in one take...preparing for live performance. Can you please give feedback on this one?
Thanks, Michael!AvqpmhkVjP-MjnytnuAPEBLjg3F3
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales @maximgottmer @KenfromCZ @bonvie56 @sjonrokz4u @Chris82 @coffeecrank @JackLeininger @Perriard @shining @d1g2w3 @jmstanle @DogMeat @LumiMoon @NicolasGralewicz
I've managed to get through my set list of 38 songs. I am now re-visiting all of them, learning piano and vocals together and without a click track, all in one take...preparing for live performance. Can you please give feedback on this one?
Thanks, Michael!AvqpmhkVjP-MjnytnuAPEBLjg3F3
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales @maximgottmer @KenfromCZ @bonvie56 @sjonrokz4u @Chris82 @coffeecrank @JackLeininger @Perriard @shining @d1g2w3 @jmstanle @DogMeat @LumiMoon @NicolasGralewicz
In the words of Boy George, you need to find that connection with the song, you are singing it decently and in pitch with alot of good technique, but I'm not feeling like I'm being told a story. If I don't find a connection with a song I make it a point to find out the artists inspiration then pretend I'm them when I sing it.
Also try Please to meet you as plee zu mee you 😉
it has been a long time since I heard your voice the last time. Man, you've come a long, long way. I really liked it.
pleas do meed you, Doc
I am still busy because of the C task force. But it is slowly getting better.