Old Rocker learns to sing

my Name is Oli, I´m 42 Years old from Germany and I´m "singing" and playing in a band since more than 25 Years. Never learned it right, just tried to catch the tones. In the last Years I realized, I will loose my voice if I keep on pressing the Tones out of my troat. So I decided to join the KTVA Course 2 Weeks ago. I try to do the Beginners Lessons every Day and I think I feel some changes going on. From Warm Up (in the past warming up the Voice was drinking 2 Beers before the show) to stretch Chest Voice and the most important to me is breathing. I learned so much in the few days I can´t say.
So, as a small example of where I am now, I made 2 (very bad) records of me singing and playing guitar. Before the Course, it would never be possible for me to sing the Songs in this key. Please give me critical feedback of my voice. I´m here for learning and training!
Best regards Oli
Still loving you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0mktkt37vzxnz8/Still loving you.mp3?dl=0
You know my name: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3biij4fo3dtp67n/You know my name.mp3?dl=0
my Name is Oli, I´m 42 Years old from Germany and I´m "singing" and playing in a band since more than 25 Years. Never learned it right, just tried to catch the tones. In the last Years I realized, I will loose my voice if I keep on pressing the Tones out of my troat. So I decided to join the KTVA Course 2 Weeks ago. I try to do the Beginners Lessons every Day and I think I feel some changes going on. From Warm Up (in the past warming up the Voice was drinking 2 Beers before the show) to stretch Chest Voice and the most important to me is breathing. I learned so much in the few days I can´t say.
So, as a small example of where I am now, I made 2 (very bad) records of me singing and playing guitar. Before the Course, it would never be possible for me to sing the Songs in this key. Please give me critical feedback of my voice. I´m here for learning and training!
Best regards Oli
Still loving you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0mktkt37vzxnz8/Still loving you.mp3?dl=0
You know my name: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3biij4fo3dtp67n/You know my name.mp3?dl=0
Do the exercises every day and follow Ken's instructions. You will find that your voice does begin to grow, and it will continue to improve month-by-month and year-after-year.
Learning great breath support will help you to improve immensely. Follow all of Ken's instructions and you will get great results.
All the Best!