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I had some stomach issues last year so the doctor recomended to stop abusing of coffee, so now I substituyed coffee for infussions, and I have solved my stomach problems almost completelly, to the point that I would recommend anyone suffering from stomach, really.
The point is that after watching ken´s video "how to take care of your voice" I´m having curcumin infussions every day, due to it´s antinflamatory propieties, but from a singer´s point of view I´m not really sure if it´s ok to have it every day, or better just to take it ocassionaly against thoath inflamation.
As allways thank in advance for your opinions and help :)


  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    what exactly do you mean by infusions? it sounds like it is some concentrate or something that you use. i am not a doctor or anything, but i would imagine the curcuma root (or the ground spice if you can't get fresh) would be a cheaper and potentially safer (=more natural) way (best to look for the "organic" variety to avoid toxins). lots of people (in India for example), they eat it every day in their food. i use it for hayfever symptoms and it is very good. you could always go to the infusions (given they are safe and somehow more powerful) when you need it for an inflammation, but again not sure what the benefit of the infusion would be over the natural product
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