Hi everyone. I`m Rasa. I`m from Serbia, and l want to ask something. Can l learn to sing if l`m 30th years old? l mean.. l sing whole my life, but now l want bild my voice on better level. Is that possible? Thanks
Yes definitely. Ken had an example of a guy who was like 60-70years old who had now learned to sing Creedence Clearwater Revival songs, which is quite challenging material. There is a video somewhere on Ken's youtube channel.
You will be much younger than several of the students here, and right in the middle of many, as far as age goes. If you have the desire and drive to start out anew, then you should waste no more time and get started.
Time is wasting! There is no time better than now to begin!
So.. I not buy cd's yet, but l got one questen. If l start with program, and do it two weeks and stop, do l have start it again or l can just continue where l stop?
It would be best if you can make a commitment to keep going with your studies five to six days a week, at least an hour a day. If you have to take a break, you can either review what you covered before, or just take it from where you left off. I would recommend reviewing what you previously covered. It's your choice.
There is a video somewhere on Ken's youtube channel.
Hello, Rasa.
You will be much younger than several of the students here, and right in the middle of many, as far as age goes. If you have the desire and drive to start out anew, then you should waste no more time and get started.
Time is wasting! There is no time better than now to begin!
It would be best if you can make a commitment to keep going with your studies five to six days a week, at least an hour a day. If you have to take a break, you can either review what you covered before, or just take it from where you left off. I would recommend reviewing what you previously covered. It's your choice.