What is Relaxation Response?

I hear Mr. Tamplin saying that relaxation response is necessary to reduce strain in higher notes. I'm am trying to strengthen upper chest voice notes right now (I am tenor; belt range starts at D4) and I have heard the relaxation response reduces strain when coupled with other techniques of course (diaphragmatic support, slight vowel mod). Can someone explain to me what relaxation response is? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best Answer
jaclynser Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 262
Hi @dThomas ,
When we talk about the relaxation response, we are really talking about the relaxation in the throat, jaw, tongue, face, shoulders and chest. Singing is definitely an athletic sport and does require some "stress", but it is all about how we manage it. For example, a gymnast will put their body through a certain amount of stress when competing, but they have learned how to put the stress in the right muscles and at the right time so that they are doing what they need to do with efficiency and not over-exhausting themselves. The same thing with singing.
You will feel feel some stress in the abdominal muscles when you are singing because you are engaging them to support the diaphragm. Like you said, when you do this, while also applying all of the other techniques that Ken talks about (vowel mods, resonance, etc) you are allowing the rest of the body to relax. It's a feeling of relaxation within the work of singing. Does that make sense?
Hope this helps and happy singing!