Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

Maggie may cover

BrianOConnorBrianOConnor 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 61


  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606
    @BrianOConnor Nice to hear your journey since starting KTVA course, I have been on the course for 2 years and my chest voice has also grown alot and had lot pitch issues to sort out as well. Yes you really have to work at it and the rewards happen gradually.

    Nice rendition of Maggie May by Rod Stewart you got just the right amout of grit in the sound and strong chest voice there was plenty of freedom in the higher chest parts and pitch sounded good to me nice job. It would have been nice to hear you before starting the course it's great to hear the progress!.

    Vocality :)
  • sjonrokz4usjonrokz4u 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,287
    Nice work dude!! I’m 10 months in and doing pretty good. My pitch is good but seeing this is encouraging
  • BrianOConnorBrianOConnor 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 61
    Thanks guys.yeah before the course if i tried a song like this . I would have been somewhat on key but all throat.would have been thin with zero support.im at a point now where im getting excited. Im starting to sing songs with ease that i struggled on just a few months ago. Im going to keep on these volume 3 audio workouts .ill never stop,nothing else has given me the results that i get from these workouts.i just finished a minute ago actually.but yeah guys def stick to it. Thanks again
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    This was great! I've tried some Rod songs but couldn't get close to his tone the way you did. I'm going to move this to the review section, I think you are a great example of hard work and following the course material paying off. It will allow more people to see this video. I agree it would be really good for even just a snippet of your singing 2 years ago.

    Top job mate, be proud of this! 🤘🏼🎤
  • codeowlcodeowl 2.0 PRO Posts: 310
    @BrianOConnor, great job mate, I love the tone, and pitch is great, also I thought you did really well with the phrasing and expression to capture the songs feel, well done!! Playing and singing at the same time is not easy. I find as soon as I focus on one thing the other things suffer. Like focusing on pitch it is easy for me to loose support... then add playing guitar to this and it is like I am 16 years old trying to work out how to use the clutch, gear stick and accelerator at the same time while continuing to not steer off the road while concentrating on all that other stuff... lololololl. You cover is very inspiring, thanks for sharing!!
  • NinaSTNinaST 2.0 PRO Posts: 91
    Really nice cover! :) It's very nice to read your experience and that you're still improving. :)
  • Marty7WizardMarty7Wizard 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 6
    You have big hands, I bet you can jam on that guitar! Nice vocal!
  • seanvzseanvz 3.0 Streaming Posts: 115
    Wow, very nicely done bro!
  • Dewy69Dewy69 3.0 Streaming Posts: 35
    @BrianOConnor, I am similar to your attitude as far as "sucking it up" and doing the course as it is laid out. Like your video showed. I figured, well, i am singing a little bit already....(not well, but getting by if everyone has had enough to drink that is watching).....so I thought what can I lose. Like you exaclty, and there must be dozens of us, I also realized right away that i was in my throat and I was not able to get through a night of singing easily. And it was a two nighter of more...I was without much of a voice on the third day. I play guitar and bass as well. I took lessons since I was a kid until I was about 16. Then off and on in bands since then. I am 53 now. From the age of about 20, I have been only bass and sometimes lead vocals in bands. But we are always limited on song selection. Cause if I cant "growl" it out (using all throat), it wasnt an option to cover. But if I have one regret in my playing side, it was not continuing with scales! Since I was a child, the instructors would say "practice your scales and you will play anything you want!". So that "lightbulb" came on in when reviewing Kens course. Its in the scales! I am only 2 weeks in, and already doing better. Sometimes, a song doesnt sound as good as I thought it did, but, i dont have a recording of it from before. Only where I am going now. And I plan on going forward and bettering my voice. I am practicing the scales a lot. each day I go through the plan at least twice, but usually 3 times. Then a few of the songs we are playing. So I can practice those as well. Your video is that much more inspiration for me! Thanks! And great job!
  • Robster777Robster777 Member Posts: 2
    Sounds great buddy. Definitely on the right path,
  • JFronckJFronck Member, 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 16
    You have a great voice, and it is the same consistent tone and powerful throughout this amazing tune. Bravo my man!

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