Hi all;
would love some feedback in general and regarding my "s". it doesn't seem crisp. I notice when Ken speaks his S is quite sustained (not a criticism) but when he sings it is crisp. Any advice in general and regarding the s would be helpful.
hopefully this works
thanks for your patience
ended up making it public....not sure why the private stuff wasn't working
You've got nice tone and put good feeling into the song. Theres a bit of pitch to work on, but only in parts, I dont think pitch in general is a problem for you. I dont quite understand what you mean about the "s", I think during mixing, generally those get reduced a bit so that the sound isn't piercing. You would do a really good version of this in 6 months or so with a bit more perfecting of technique. Pop into the student area and post your lah scales sometime for more direct feed back regarding technique.
I appreciate the comments