Building strength and support in the E4-A4 area

Hello, I am a tenor (16 years old as of today) and I am trying to build good cord closure, resonanse, and strength from the areas around E4-A4. This is what I know so far: I should not belt out all my air which would dry out my vocals cords, I should choose the right vowel, good support of course, compress a little, and resonance is king in this area. I was wondering if anyone has any exercises to build this segundo passagio/chesty mix/belt/TA dominant mix area. I'm pretty sure I need to build strength to my TA muscle to allow for this to happen. I've heard many coaches talk about glottal stop, stop and go, and glottal "attack" exercises, but I'm not sure how valid these exercises are. I can sing with good cord closure, support, and compression above A4 to around E5, it's just this passagio area that's tripping me up because my voice gets weak, droppy, and dopey. If anyone has any exercises or tips to build my TA muscle and the E4-A4 area, it would be greatly appreciated!
By the sounds of it, you need to start trying to bring your chest voice up through E4-A4. Do your best to stay in chest through here, if you cant make it, its ok, stop and come back down. Take note of where you stopped to try again the next day. Also do the same scale but bridge into head voice around the top of the exercise for starters, to warm up your voice and practice a smooth transition from chest to head.