What Should I do?

Hi, I'm in my third day, doing Volume 1 exercises. I have a performance in 9 days. For my song, I need to belt for a small portion of it. What should I do?
Should I just sing the way I normally do (I can sing it but it does not have that nice belting tone that Ken has) or should I go forward in my exercises, meaning
do Vol 2 & 3?Thanks!
Best Answers
sspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
9 days is not a lot of time to make significant changes. I would keep doing volume 1 trying to stretch your chest voice as high as you can. Apply the vowel modifications to your songs, really focus on support and work the song from there. Belting takes time to develop. Moving on to volume 2/3 isn't going to help at this point there is no magic pill/formula for developing the chest voice in the upper register. Time repetition and patience will get you there. Work on your song where you are at right now trying to apply what you have learned so far. All the best! -
sspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
The best way to look at it now is that you are a better singer today than yesterday. In 9 days you'll be even better. Improvement happens one day at a time. Keep working and you will become the best singer you can be. Have fun at your performance. -
sspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
What is the word she is singing? Or is it just a vowel riff? As far as breathing, I would have to hear a sample. You may be blowing out too much air on the previous notes. Try conserving your air in the earlier notes and see if you can make it through the whole phrase.