What SHOULD Distortion feel like?

Ken mentioned in a recent video that there's a tickle feeling that you SHOULDN'T feel if you're doing the distortion right. Any tips on what distortion should feel like? I feel like I've built up some good strong compression and I've tried messing with it but it only ever feels like I'm about to cough which is the wrong way to do it. He mentions "leaning into compression in other videos" but I'm not entirely sure what he means.
Edit: I asked on his video but he said to ask in here.
Edit: I asked on his video but he said to ask in here.
If you cannot yet sing a strong resonant sound holding it steady for a length of time or if you are constantly feeling hoarse after you sing, you don't have the proper technique yet and aren't ready.
When you "lean" into the sound, you are engaging even more of your support while also relaxing more. It's can seem to be a bit of an oxymoron. There is a tiny bit of vocal fry element to it but it's more to do with how the sensation feels and a way to describe it rather than pure fry. You'll be surprised to know that a distorted tone is actually quieter than a pure whole tone of the same note value. Meaning of you sing a clean note, leading into a distorted note, it won't be as loud. Ive seen this my self on the wave lengths during my recordings. There is also a concept of harmonic resonance, the distorted tone is actually a combination of 2, the whole tone and the slight stressing of the cords are 2 sounds being combined.
The reason you especially need to cut back your air and compress is so that you don't mindlessly blow a bunch of air over your cords to achieve the sound. This will make you hoarse! Distortion is also different from growl, which is again a much more advanced, and not covered in KTVA.
my shortcut to learning distortion would be to scream a lot, like you are a general in the military and you are giving orders.
there's no safe way for distorting much less to learn how to do it haha, period
It takes a lot of abdominal strength, but I remember Ken mentioning in a video the way you know you're not doing it right is when you get that tickle in your throat like you need to cough.
I think he talks about it in this video: