Could you give me some feedback please
2.0 PRO Posts: 62
I am playing and singing my own song could you give some feedback please
Best Answer
singermage 2.0 PRO Posts: 11I definitely like the topic you rely on. Work life is the portion of our life is we spend most time in but question, discuss the least. Please keep making songs on the concept, I liked your song, for first hearing it's catchy.
Considering from guitarist perspective, you need to develop rhythm playing. You don't have to play a continious rhythm but if you don't, other things like soft touch, stopping should match with the feeling and/or flow of the song.
For vocals, I heard a voice that needs to develop a lot. But I cannot decide whether this is due to lack of exercise or due to vocal fatigue.
If the first case is true, rely on more warm-up and sing a lot more than you do. Many methods are available but as criticizing I also want to lead to a positive outcome. Let's go incremental. How many minutes you sang yesterday? Add one more minute to it.
If the second case is true, the way you sing, songs you sing or your practice include something that lean on your voice more than necessary. You have to find out why.