Audio Issue With New Webcam

Hi KTVA Community,
I just bought a Logitech C920s Pro HD Webcam to use for recording myself when doing my vocal workouts. It works very well for recording because the quality is good but when I watch the playback of the videos after, I hear a constant crackling sound anytime I’m singing in the video. It’s almost like it’s sensitive to sound. Would you guys recommend using a studio mic for the audio of the recording instead of the webcam’s built in microphone alone?
@FurryMurry This may be a sign that I need to buy the mic, soundboard and connection cord that you were showing me in order to clearly hear myself.
I just bought a Logitech C920s Pro HD Webcam to use for recording myself when doing my vocal workouts. It works very well for recording because the quality is good but when I watch the playback of the videos after, I hear a constant crackling sound anytime I’m singing in the video. It’s almost like it’s sensitive to sound. Would you guys recommend using a studio mic for the audio of the recording instead of the webcam’s built in microphone alone?
@FurryMurry This may be a sign that I need to buy the mic, soundboard and connection cord that you were showing me in order to clearly hear myself.
That’s what I figured. I knew something wasn’t completely right knowing that the video was high quality while the audio was poor. And sounds good
I'm gonna check and see if there's a setting for gain or mic sensitivity right now and I'll update you on if I find it. And I stand about 5-6 feet away from the mic
Update: There are no gain or sensitivity settings that I can control on my webcam mic, so I'm gonna buy a condenser mic as well as an audio interface.
You guessed right! Those inbuilt mics don't have the types of capabilities that a studio mic has. I agree with @sjonrokz4u that the crackling is probably mic clipping, which means the volume is way too loud. The only way to fix that is to lower the recording volume or get a better microphone.
I got the MXL 770 Cardioid Condenser Mic bundle (One that comes with a shock mount, pop filter, XLR cable), Behringer Xenyx 502 Soundboard, and Hosa CMP-153 Stereo on the way from Amazon. Unfortunately the Hosa won’t be here until possibly February, so I won’t be able to properly record myself when singing, but it’s ok. Gives me that much more of a chance to work on my ear training skills. I’ve stopped using my pitch monitor in my workouts so I can develop my ear skills.