Introducing... me

Hello everyone,
I guess since I'm on here asking questions I should probably introduce myself. My name is Eric, I'm 41, and I've been singing regularly at least since middle school. I took a choral course during that time, but nothing really stuck. I've always sung along to music in the car, sung in the shower, and for years I did lots of karaoke. For some reason I stopped singing much for years, up until maybe a year or two ago. As a result, both my tone and pitch have suffered, but I like to think I can still sing better than average. I hope that doesn't sound too arrogant; lots of people have complimented me on my singing. Oh yeah, as far as range, I'm mainly a baritone, but I can get to most of the tenor range without trouble.
I know I've developed some bad habits over the years, and KTVA is really making those obvious to me. Since starting with KTVA, I've dedicated at least one hour a day to workouts and practice for the past 11 days and counting. I've already seen a ton of improvement in tone, pitch, agility, and range. Like a surprising amount of improvement.
The biggest things I need to work on right now are the foundational things: diaphragmatic support, open throat technique, monitoring tension, and vowel modifications. I also tend to belt (bad, I know), but with practice I'm realizing that the sounds I'm going for can be achieved with much less airflow and strain.
As far as goals, I really want to write and produce my own music. I've written a few songs, but the one that is nearest ready for release has a chorus that is too high for me to sing. I want to be able to sing it.
Outside of music, I'm a wildlife biologist, woodworker, and home chef. My username comes from my D&D character, so yeah, I'm that kind of nerd. I'm considering using Fretless the Bard as the name I release music under. The song I mentioned above is actually based on a battle my group went through. Super cheesy, but fun.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better, and REALLY looking forward to moving further through the course. Don't worry, I'll pace myself; I see how long people are spending on the volumes, so I'm trying not to get in a hurry.
Fretless (Eric)
I guess since I'm on here asking questions I should probably introduce myself. My name is Eric, I'm 41, and I've been singing regularly at least since middle school. I took a choral course during that time, but nothing really stuck. I've always sung along to music in the car, sung in the shower, and for years I did lots of karaoke. For some reason I stopped singing much for years, up until maybe a year or two ago. As a result, both my tone and pitch have suffered, but I like to think I can still sing better than average. I hope that doesn't sound too arrogant; lots of people have complimented me on my singing. Oh yeah, as far as range, I'm mainly a baritone, but I can get to most of the tenor range without trouble.
I know I've developed some bad habits over the years, and KTVA is really making those obvious to me. Since starting with KTVA, I've dedicated at least one hour a day to workouts and practice for the past 11 days and counting. I've already seen a ton of improvement in tone, pitch, agility, and range. Like a surprising amount of improvement.
The biggest things I need to work on right now are the foundational things: diaphragmatic support, open throat technique, monitoring tension, and vowel modifications. I also tend to belt (bad, I know), but with practice I'm realizing that the sounds I'm going for can be achieved with much less airflow and strain.
As far as goals, I really want to write and produce my own music. I've written a few songs, but the one that is nearest ready for release has a chorus that is too high for me to sing. I want to be able to sing it.
Outside of music, I'm a wildlife biologist, woodworker, and home chef. My username comes from my D&D character, so yeah, I'm that kind of nerd. I'm considering using Fretless the Bard as the name I release music under. The song I mentioned above is actually based on a battle my group went through. Super cheesy, but fun.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better, and REALLY looking forward to moving further through the course. Don't worry, I'll pace myself; I see how long people are spending on the volumes, so I'm trying not to get in a hurry.
Fretless (Eric)
I've always been curious about D&D, you've piqued my interest again and I'm going to look into buying a set😊
I look forward to hearing your scales and any demos of songs you might want to share, it's a safe space for constructive feed back here, and one of the best ways to use the forum!
D&D is pretty fun. There's a bit of a learning curve, but find a patient DM (or learn to DM on your own using the Dungeon Master's handbook) and you'll be in good shape. There are some good starter kits that'll get you going. The hardest part is finding a good group you like to run campaigns with.