Is this guy a tenor or a high baritone?

So, I get a little bit confused when it comes to voice types, especially with voices that sound quite warm.
Is this singer (Nils Molin - Amaranthe/Dynazty) a tenor or a high baritone?
So a couple of me and my friend (none of us are musicians) were trying to figure out what sort of a vocal type this singer is
Some video clips:
Video 1
Video 2 - Jump to 18:40 for Amaranthine
Thanks for the help!
Is this singer (Nils Molin - Amaranthe/Dynazty) a tenor or a high baritone?
So a couple of me and my friend (none of us are musicians) were trying to figure out what sort of a vocal type this singer is
Some video clips:
Video 1
Video 2 - Jump to 18:40 for Amaranthine
Thanks for the help!
In that first clip he keeps going to that "low" note (which I believe is a D#3 but may be wrong). The note sounds low for him, like his voice is near the barrier before it breaks into a weaker unprojected low (as a tenor, that starts to happen to me at around the same note)
In the second clip he pretty consistently hits belted high-ish notes (A#4 I believe) but doesn't really go higher than that, almost as if he's nearing his break into head voice. While there are various baritones who can do this pretty effortlessly (Think Maynard James Keenan), this guy has pretty similar qualities to his voice to some tenors that come to mind (Jared Leto, for example).
Conclusion: He sounds like a tenor with a nice warm third octave range and strong belt in the high fourth octave
Here's a clip of him talking (if that helps!) LINK